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Phylum: Chordata
Scientific Name: Mammalia

Wild Baboon

How a Baboon heals itself naturally

Baboons are a type of monkey that can easily adapt to many environments. However it is known to be seen mostly in Africa and Arabia (Bradford, 2017). Its healing ability is actually a sign of status in its hierarchy. The speed of recovery  from a wound of a baboon will determines where that individual stands within their hierarchy. Research done by the National Science foundation found that wound healing is a better indicatore of status than age for a Baboon.

Domestic House Pets 





Cats such as an orange tabby give off purring vibrations that can help heal soft tissues, ligaments and even muscles. A cats purr can be taken as a form of happiness or how they communicate. However when they purr at a range frequency of 25-125 Hertz, they can actually increase their bone density and heal (Lyons, 2006). When a cat encounters itself with a wound, it is in their instinct for it to lick themselves.

Similar to cats,a dog will lick itself when encountered with a wound. They will also most likely scratch the injured area with their paw. Dogs salivas have antibacterial benefits that allows them to heal themselves when injured. However there are studies that suggest the opposite is true and that licking can cause more harm than good. (AKC Staff, 2019) 

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